02 Desember, 2021


Humans are social creatures who must interact with others to make ends meet. Therefore, humans will not be able to live alone to fulfill their needs without interacting with other people. In everyday life, humans know culture and create various forms of ideas, works, products, activities, and artifacts to fulfill their daily needs. Language is one of the important elements that influence human life and culture. Language has an important role in human life because language is the main communication tool.

English is one of the many languages ​​in the world that is used as a means of communication. As a means of communication, English has a degree of formality in reflecting cultural and social values ​​in society.

As in Indonesian, English also includes formal and informal languages ​​(formal and informal English). These two types of language are used in different contexts. Formal language is the language that is used when we are in a situation that is also formal or with older people, has a higher level of understanding, is characterized by a long and complicated sentence structure, and sometimes uses vocabulary that is rarely used in everyday conversation. Meanwhile, informal English is used to talk with close friends of the same age, characterized by using short sentences, not paying too much attention to grammar, and using a lot of popular language (slang) and abbreviations.

Here are some sample sentences to better understand the difference between the two:

·        Asking someone if they have time to talk for a bit
Formal: Could I disturb you for a minute?
Informal: You got a second?

·        Making the email opening
Formal: Dear Sir Nick, I am writing to make a room reservation.
Informal: Hi Nick, I want to book a room.

·        Asking someone if they have an ideas for same cases
Formal: Do you have any suggestion regarding this issue?
Informal: Any ideas?

·        Apologizing for not attending an event
Formal: I would like to apologize for not attending the event.
Informal: Sorry I couldn’t come.

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