27 November, 2021

Impact of Covid 19 on Education

 Impact of Covid 19 on Education 

Conditions like today, that the world is being rocked by the coronavirus or covid-19 pandemic, the pattern of life has changed from usual, including education. According to data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), at least 290.5 million students worldwide have disrupted learning activities due to school closures (Agus Purwanto, et al, 2020). In this case, the Indonesian government has taken a policy that all activities in education are closed and switched to distance learning using online technology, which is commonly referred to as online.

With the switch to online learning, it can have a positive or negative impact. Positive impact on students, namely being an effective alternative to refreshing traditional teaching methods, listening to lectures in a boring classroom.

 The impact that is directly felt by parents, students and teachers by switching online learning:

Impact on parents

The obstacle felt by parents is the increase in spending costs to buy internet quota for the sake of the continuity of online-based classes.

Furthermore, technical obstacles in the implementation of learning. For the most part, students are accustomed to face-to-face learning, being in a classroom. These habits, affect the readiness of students in the learning transition that switches through online. With such conditions, the role of parents is very important in the learning process, to accompany their children in learning. For students who are still in grades 1-3 of Elementary School, for example, parents must take the time to accompany their children to study, thus consuming time and adding work for parents.

Impact on students

The obstacle faced by students is that students do not yet have a culture of distance learning. Students The obstacle faced by students is that students need time to learn the culture of learning remotely. In addition, students are also constrained by adequate infrastructure at home. Because this facility is very important as a means of student learning.

The next obstacle to students is boredom in learning caused by too many tasks given without any interaction and emotional closeness to teachers and other friends.

Impact on teachers

Not all teachers can apply online learning media well. Especially for teachers who are seniors and who are no longer young. Teacher competence in delivering material is the main thing so that the quality of learning takes place well. Proficient in operating technology is a necessity for an educator, so that the material is conveyed and absorbed well by students.

Thus, the existence of COVID-19 has changed the pattern of life in society. All elements of society, the government will feel the impact. From education, economy, community culture. Hopefully the situation as it is now, recovers soon, recovers. Aamiin.

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